gallery *****
nom galeria
pl. galleries
expr art gallery
galeria d'art

game *****
1. joc
2. (before noun) lúdic
expr to be on the game
(Br) (argot) ser prostituta / treballar com a prostituta
expr to give the game away
descobrir l'engany
expr to go on the game
(Br) (argot) prostituir-se

gaping ****
1. (molt) obert
2. bocabadat

garnet ****
1. granat
2. granat

garrison ****
1. [place] plaça forta
2. [troops] guarnició
verb tr conj aquarterar

gate *****
1. porta / reixat
2. [ESPORT] taquilla
The club have announced that a percentage of tonight's gate will go to a local hospital charity.
The club is expecting a gate of around 45,000 for tomorrow's clash with Manchester United.

expr gate line
[ESPORT] línia de porta

gear ****
1. marxa
2. equip
3. (col.loq) roba
4. (argot) drogues il·legals
expr to be geared to (or towards)
dirigit a / encaminat a
> gear up preparar-se per una activitat o esdeveniment important

gene ****
1. gen
2. (before noun) gènic / genètic
expr gene expression
expressió gènica (o genètica)
expr gene flow
flux gènic (o genètic)
expr gene pool
patrimoni gènic (o genètic)
expr gene therapy
teràpia gènica (o genètica)

general *****
adjectiu general / vague / aproximat
nom general
expr general staff
estat major
expr in general
per regla general

genie *****
nom geni

genome *****
nom genoma

geographic ****
adjectiu geogràfic

German ****
1. [LING] alemany
2. alemany
adjectiu alemany

Germany ****
nom Alemanya

get *****
verb tr conj (got/got/getting)
1. obtenir
2. rebre
I got a lot of presents for my birthday.
Did you get an invitation to their wedding?

3. [understand] entendre
Now I've got it. - Ara hi caic
I don't get it. - No m'entra al cap.
4. [a disease] contraure / emmalaltir de / declarar-se't
5. [the door] obrir
Was that the door? Will you get it please?

6. [the telephone] respondre
Will you get the phone please? I've just put my feet up.

expr from the get-go
des del principi / des del començament
expr to get above yourself
ser un cregut / creure's qui sap què
expr to get in the way
expr to get somewhere
Now we're getting somewhere! - Ara anem progressant!
expr to get used to
acostumar-se a
expr to get yourself (something)
procurar-se / obtenir
expr to tell (somebody) where to get off
clavar-li un moc / parar-li els peus / cantar les quaranta
> get about
1. sortir (socialment) / rondar
2. córrer (una notícia) / circular
> get across
1. poder anar o venir d'un costat a l'altre, poder travessar (un lloc)
2. poder traslladar (una cosa) d'un costat a l'altre
3. (col.loq) explicar (una cosa) d'una manera entenedora
> get after anar darrere (algú), sobretot perquè compleixi alguna tasca
> get ahead prosperar
> get ahead of posar-se endavant de
> get along (with someone) entendre's (amb algú) / portar-se (amb algú)
I love my boyfriend like crazy but, no matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to get along with his family.

> get along with (something) progressar
How are you getting along with that essay Pamela? Do you think you'll finish it tonight?

> get around
1. sortir (socialment) / rondar
2. córrer (una notícia) / circular
3. evitar o superar (una dificultat)
> get around to trobar temps per a
> get at
1. poder descobrir (p.e., la veritat)
2. insinuar / voler dir
3. arribar a agafar
> get away
1. escapar-se
2. allunyar (alguna cosa)
> to get away with quedar impune / sortir-se'n
> get back
1. arribar (tornant)
2. tornar
3. recuperar / tornar a tenir posessió (d'una cosa)
> get back at venjar-se de
> get behind posar-se darrere (de)
> get behind in endarrerir-se amb
> get behind on endarrerir-se amb
> get behind with endarrerir-se amb
> get by anar tirant
> get down
1. poder baixar
2. baixar (una cosa)
Could you get that plate down from the cupboard for me please?

3. fer trist (algú)
As Karen Carpenter might put it, "Rainy days and Mondays always get me down".

> get down to entrar a fons en / fer (amb ganes una cosa)
> get in on arribar a participar en (p.e. una oportunitat econòmica)
> get in
1. entrar
2. ésser admès
She was trying for Oxford. Did she get in?

3. arribar
What time does her train get in?

4. (cotxe) pujar
Get in, I'll give you a lift.

> get into
1. entrar a
2. ésser admès a
She got straight As in her exams and got into Cambridge.

3. arribar a
We got into Durham at about 9 o'clock.

4. (cotxe) pujar a
5. (llit) posar-se a
6. començar a interessar-se en (alguna cosa)
I got into jazz some years ago.

7. començar a treballar en (el camp de)
Get into journalism / politics - Començar a treballar en el periodisme / la política
> get in with quedar bé amb
> get off
1. [TRANSP] baixar
He got off the plane. - Va baixar de l'avió.
2. (col.loq) plegar
What time do you get off today?
I normally get off at 6 but today I finished at 7.

> get off on (Am) gaudir de
> get on [TRANSP] pujar
I got on the bus - Vaig pujar a l'autobús
> get on to (somebody) posar-se en contacte amb (algú)
I need to get on to the landlord about fixing that fence.
He needs to get on to the bank about his new credit card. It still hasn't arrived.

> get on with (somebody) entendre's (amb algú) / portar-se (amb algú)
Paul tried to get on with his mother-in-law, but it wasn't easy!
Those two just don't get on at all.

> get on with (something) treballar en una tasca
I wish he would just get on with his work and stop whingeing about it.

> get out (of)
1. sortir
With two small children, I don't get out as often as I used to.

2. (cotxe, barca) baixar (de)
He got out of the car and turned to wave goodbye.

3. (llit) sortir (de) / aixecar-se (de)
He got out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom.

4. escapolir-se de (p.e., una obligació
> get over (something) recuperar-se d'(alguna cosa)
How to get over the death of a loved one.
He is just getting over a really bad dose of the flu.

> get past
1. passar
2. arribar més enllà de
> get to arribar a
> get round
1. convèncer
2. sortir (socialment) / rondar
3. córrer (una notícia) / circular
4. evitar o superar (una dificultat)
> get through
1. passar cap a l'altra banda
2. fer passar per
3. arribar al final de
4. arribar (persones) al fi (d'una tasca, d'un esdeveniment, etc.)
5. entrar en contacte (per telèfon)
> get together
1. reunir-se
2. reunir
> get up
1. aixecar-se (posar-se dret)
2. cridar / fer llevar
3. fer pujar (alguna cosa)
4. preparar (una obra de teatre)
5. llevar-se (del llit)

getting *****
nom -
expr while the getting is good
(Am) ara que encara hi guanyes / ara que encara surt a compte
Br. = while the going is good

GIF **** (Graphics Interchange Format)
nom GIF (Format d'intercanvi de gràfics)

gift ****
1. regal / do
sin. present
2. do
expr gift shop
botiga de regals
expr gift shopping
compra de regals

give *****
verb tr conj (gave/given)
1. donar
2. impartir
To give classes. - Impartir classes.
expr give and take
expr to give yourself over to (something)
lliurar-se (en cos i ànima) / abocar-se
expr to give yourself over to (somebody)
posar-se en mans d'(algú)
expr to give it up for (someone / something)
(Am) aplaudir
Ladies and gentlemen, please give it up for tonight's guest Will Smith!

expr to give way

1. cedir el pas
Give way sign (Br.) - Senyal de cediu el pas
2. [legs] fer figa
expr I'll give you that much
això encara t'ho accepto
expr what gives?
(argot) què s'hi cou?
sin. what's up, what's happening, what's cooking
> give away
1. regalar
2. revelar
3. trair / delatar
To give yourself away. - Delatar-se.
> give back tornar
> give forth (formal) emetre
> give in rendir-se / cedir
I give in. What's the answer?

> give of donar de
> give off emetre
> give onto tenir vista cap a
> give out
1. deixar de funcionar
I was 100m from the finishing line when my legs gave out.

2. exhaurir-se
The soldiers continued to resist until their ammunition gave out.

3. repartir
At the party, they gave out disposable cameras to all their guests.

sin. hand out
4. [sound] emetre
5. [smell] exhalar
> give over parar (de fer alguna cosa)
Give over or I'll send you to your room!

> give up
1. cedir / capitular / claudicar / rendir-se / donar-se per vençut
I give up, you win!

2. abandonar / renunciar / desistir / deixar
3. deixar de / desenganxar-se
He wants you to give up smoking.

To give up smoking - Deixar de fumar
To give up drugs - Desenganxar-se de la droga
> give yourself up to
1. abandonar-se a
2. lliurar-se a (una autoritat)

glamour *****
nom glamur / encant / atractiu
Glamour photography. - Fotografia sexy / fotografia eròtica.

glitch *****
1. error tècnic / falla tècnica
pl. glitches

globe *****
1. globus terraqüi
2. globus

go *****
verb intr conj (went/gone) anar
expr from the get-go
des del principi / des del començament
That has been my position from the get-go and I'm not changing it now.

sin. from the word go
expr from the word go
des del princip / des del començament
That has been my position from the word go and I'm not changing it now.

sin. from the get-go
expr get-up-and-go
energia, determinació i positivitat
Vince took early retirement in 1995 but he had too much get-up-and-go about him to stay retired for long.

expr to have a go at (someone)
cantar-li les quaranta / tirar-se-li a sobre
expr to have nothing to go on
partir de no res / no tenir res en què basar-se
expr in one go
d'una tirada
expr long gone are the (days)...
enrere queden aquells dies
expr on the go
sobre la marxa / improvisadament
I've been on the go since breakfast. - No he parat des de l'hora d'esmorzar.
interj go ahead endavant!
interj go for it endavant!
interj gotta go
1. me n'haig d'anar
2. permeteu-me / dispenseu
3. us deixo
4. [on telephone] haig de penjar
interj here goes aquí ho teniu / prepara't!
> go about
1. circular
2. abordar / emprendre / posar-s'hi / dedicar-s'hi
> go across anar d'un costat a l'altre / travessar (un lloc) cap allà
> go after perseguir
> go against anar en contra de
> go ahead
1. anar endavant
2. començar, procedir sense esperar
> go along anar (acompanyant algú)
> go along with estar d'acord amb
> go around
1. passar (cap allà)
2. fer marrada
3. girar
4. circular
5. [not enough to ~] no haver-n'hi prou
> go at
1. atacar
2. treballar de valent
> go away anar-se'n
> go back tornar
> go back on trencar (una promesa) / desdir-se de
> go beyond anar més enllà de
> go by
1. passar (cap allà)
2. escolar-se (passar temps)
3. guiar-se per
> go down
1. baixar (cap allà)
2. enfonsar-se
3. reduir-se (preus)
4. [col·loq.] ser acceptat
5. pondre's (el sol)
> go down with agafar (una malaltia) / estar malalt amb
> go far tenir èxit
> go forth [biblical] anar
> go for
1. vendre's per
2. entusiasmar-se per
3. anar a buscar
> go forward avançar / anar endavant
> go in
1. entrar (cap allà)
2. cabre
> go in for
1. estar d'acord amb (una activitat)
2. interessar-se per
> go in with associar-se amb
> go into
1. entrar a (sobretot en sentits abstractes)
2. dedicar-se a (una carrera)
> go off
1. anar-se'n
2. explotar (una bomba, un petard)
3. deteriorar-se
4. sortir / resultar
5. fer-se malbé (un menjar)
> go on about entretenir-se (parlant sense parar sobre)
> go on
1. continuar endavant (cap allà)
2. guiar-se per
3. ocórrer
4. progressar
5. (imperatiu, dubtant) vinga!
6. disparar-se (una alarma)
7. encendre's (un llum)
> go out sortir / eixir (Val.)
> go over
1. repassar / recórrer
Make sure you go over your work carefully before you hand it in.

2. excedir / ultrapassar
If you go over your email quota you will be unable to send any messages until you remove some data.

> go past
1. passar (un lloc) sense parar
2. passar davant (un lloc) sense parar
> go round
1. visitar
2. fer marrada
3. girar
4. circular
5. [not enough to ~] no haver-n'hi prou
> go through
1. anar cap a l'altra banda (passant per un lloc)
2. gastar (diners)
3. examinar / repassar / revisar (documents)
4. passar per (una situació o un esdeveniment desagradable o traumàtic)
> go through with complir
> go together adir-se
> go under
1. fer fallida
2. enfonsar-se
> go up
1. pujar (cap allà)
2. fer explosió
3. ser construït
4. acostar-se
> go up to
1. arribar fins a
2. acostar-se a
> go up against oposar-se a
> to go (well) with (something) adir-se amb (alguna cosa)
> go without passar sense

goal ****

1. [ESPORT] gol
2. [ESPORT] porteria

1. objectiu / meta / fita
expr goal scorer

good *****
adjectiu bo

1. bé / benefici

1. béns / articles / productes
Household goods. - Mobiliari domèstic. / mercaderies
expr Good Friday
Divendres Sant
expr good looking
expr it's all to the good
val més així
expr the common good
el bé comú
expr to do good
servir / fer servei
It doesn't seem to do much good. - No sembla que serveixi de gaire.
expr for good
definitivament / per sempre
expr to have the goods on (someone)
tenir-lo agafat pels collons
expr it's too good to be true
és massa bonic perquè sigui veritat
expr no good will come of it
això no pot portar res de bo
expr that's good enough for me
ho dono per bo
interj be good fes bondat!
interj good afternoon bona tarda!
interj good evening bona nit!
nota: L'expressio 'good evening' s'utilitza només com a salutació en situacions formals.

interj good for you et felicito / així m'agrada / ben fet!
interj good luck bona sort!
interj good morning bon dia!
nota: També es pot dir simplement 'Morning!'. De fet, és ben possible que aquesta última salutació sigui encara més freqüent que 'good morning'. A l'Irlanda, l'expressió 'Top of the morning (to you!)' també és molt freqüent.

interj good night bona nit!
nota: L'expressió 'good night' s'utilitza només en acomiadar-se. També es pot dir 'night night!'. En el llenguatge parlat molt sovint es pronuncia més bés 'na-night'.

good-looking ****
adjectiu guapo / ben plantat / que fa goig / de bona presència

government *****
1. govern
2. administració
The three branches of government. - Les tres branques de poder.
3. (before noun) governamental
According to government sources... - Segons fonts governamentals...
4. (before noun) administratiu
expr government contract
contracte administratiu
expr government worker
funcionari / funcionari públic / funcionari de l'estat
expr local government
administració local

governor ****
1. governador
2. membre de la junta directiva
3. (Br) director
Prison governor (Br.) - Director de presó.

grade ****
nom qualificació

grant ****
nom beca
verb tr conj atorgar / concedir
expr to take (someone) for granted
subestimar / no valorar
He takes her for granted. - (Ell) no la valora.
expr to take (something) for granted
donar per fet / donar per segur / donar per descomptat / donar per bo

graphic *****
nom gràfic
sin. graphical
1. gràfic
2. explícit
expr graphic novel

great *****
1. fantàstic / sensacional / [colloq.] collonut / [colloq.] de conya
2. gran
expr a great deal of...
He's received a great deal of criticism. - Ha rebut moltes crítiques.
expr a great many ...
A great many people have read his first book in Catalan. - Molta gent ha llegit el primer llibre en català.
expr the great thing is...
el millor de tot és que...

greedy ****
1. golafre / golut
2. cobdiciós / cobejós / avariciós / àvid de riqueses
expr greedy guts
(Br) (argot) fartaner / golafre / golós

Grenada *****
nom Grenada

grille *****
1. reixa
2. [vehicle] calandra

grinder ****
nom picadora

grip *****
verb tr conj
1. [hold tight] agafar (bé o fortament) / empunyar
2. [captivate] corprendre
1. control
Winter's grip. - El rigor de l'hivern / la cruesa de l'hivern.
2. [tyre] adherència
3. [cinema] maquinista
expr to come to grips with (something)
arribar a entendre i abordar (un problema / una situació difícil)
expr to get a grip
controlar-se / calmar-se
expr to get to grips with (something)
arribar a entendre i abordar (un problema / una situació difícil)
expr to lose your grip (on something)
perdre el control

grooming *****
1. entrenament
2. guanyar-se la confiança d'un menor per abusar sexualment d'ell
3. [dog or cat ~] perruqueria (canina o felina)

ground ****
1. terra / terreny
2. [ESPORT] estadi
3. groundsclos / recinte

expr to be grounded in
fundar-se en / tenir com a fonament
expr to be well grounded in
tenir una bona formació en / tenir uns bons rudiments en
expr to break new ground
obrir nous camins / trencar motllos
expr to gain ground
guanyar terreny
expr to get in on the ground floor
començar des de baix
expr to hold your ground
mantenir-se ferm / no cedir terreny
expr legal grounds for (divorce)
causa legítima de (divorci)
expr to lose ground
perdre terreny / perdre pistonada
expr moral high ground
autoritat moral / preeminència moral / superioritat moral
To take the moral high ground. - Donar lliçons de moral.
expr on good grounds
amb fonament
expr on the ground
sobre el terreny
sin. on the spot
expr on the grounds of...
adduint / donant com a argument...
On the grounds that... - Amb l'argument que.
expr to stand your ground
mantenir-se ferm / no cedir terreny
expr to be sure of your ground
saber (algú) on trepitja
> ground out (beisbol) fallar batent la bola per terra

group *****
1. grup
2. agrupació
3. banda
verb tr conj agrupar

grower ****
nom cultivador
Tobacco grower. - Cultivador de tabac.
Coffee growers. - Cultivadors de cafè.

guess *****
verb intr conj
1. endevinar
2. imaginar
3. (col.loq) suposar
nom conjectura / suposició
pl. guesses
expr to be anybody's guess
ser impossible de saber
When the builders will actually finish the work is anybody's guess.

expr I guess
suposo que... / suposo que sí
Will he be here later? I guess (so).
I guess she's busy right now and that's why she hasn't come.
He hasn't managed to do it, has he? I guess not.

guide ****
1. guia
2. [person] guia
3. batedor / explorador
verb tr conj guiar

guitar *****
nom guitarra
expr acoustic guitar
guitarra acústica
expr classical guitar
guitarra clàssica
expr double-neck guitar
guitarra de doble mànec
expr electric guitar
guitarra elèctrica
expr flamenco guitar
guitarra flamenca
expr Latin guitar
guitarra llatina
expr guitar maker

gun *****
1. pistola / arma
2. canó
Ion gun - Canó d'ions
verb tr conj (Am) accelerar
He the engine and shot off down the hill.
He gunned the car through the intersection without paying attention to the red light.

expr at gun point
a punta de pistola
expr gun control
regulació de les armes de foc
expr gun salute
21-gun salute - 21 salves d'honor
expr to jump the gun
avançar-se als esdeveniments
expr to stick to your guns
mantenir-se ferm
> gun down matar (algú) amb una arma de foc
> gun for
1. seguir (algú) amb la intenció de fer-li mal
2. intentar a aconseguir (una cosa) agressivament

SourceForge Conjugations by Verbix
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