
Català Anglès
adoptar to adopt
adoptiu adopted / adoptive
avi grandfather
àvia grandmother
avis grandparents
besavi great grandfather
besàvia great grandmother
besavis great grandparents
família family
familiar family
fill son
filla daughter
fills children
gendre son-in-law
germà brother
germana sister
germanastre half brother / half sister / stepbrother / stepsister
germans brother and sister / siblings
madrastra stepmother
mare mother
marit husband
muller wife
neboda niece
nebot nephew
nét grandson
néta granddaughter
néts grandchildren
nora daughter-in-law
oncle uncle
padrastre stepfather
pare father
pares parents
promès fiancé
promesa fiancée
sogra mother-in-law
sogre father-in-law
tiet uncle
tieta aunt